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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
suýt soát

almost, alike, approximate

[suýt soát]
almost; nearly; approximately
Bức tÆ°á»ng cao suýt soát sáu mÆ°Æ¡i mét
The wall was almost/nearly sixty meters high
Ông ấy suýt soát 80 tuổi
He's almost/nearly eighty years old; he's close on eighty
Phần má»m ấy suýt soát năm nghìn đô la
That software application cost approximately five thousand dollars; that software application cost five thousand dollars or as near as dammit/as near as makes no difference
close; narrow
HỠsuýt soát nhau vỠtuổi tác, nên dễ kết bạn với nhau
They are close to each other in age, so they make friends with each other easily
Äắc cá»­ vá»›i Ä‘a số suýt soát
To win by a narrow margin; To be elected with a narrow majority
Thắng suýt soát
To gain/win a narrow victory; To win by a narrow margin
Thua suýt soát
To suffer a narrow defeat; To lose by a small margin

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